Monday, May 25, 2009

Matthew Williamson; The Design Controversy

There has been a lot of debate over some of Matthew Williamson's designs over the internet and in some Ethiopian communities. People everywhere seem to be outraged over the fact that he claims he designed dresses (such as the one above) by using bits and pieces of African designs to come up with it. Honestly, the dresses look 100% Ethiopian made- I would say the only difference is the pair of shoes paired with the dress (which no Ethiopian woman would wear for the sake of dignity and by seeing how conservative most Ethiopian women are). In all seriousness, I don't see what's wrong with him using Ethiopian clothing- as long as he doesn't take all the credit for it (which he hasn't). If anything, every Ethiopian should be proud that their beautiful clothing is being showcased to millions; consider it a means of African tourism stimulation. Mr. Williamson may have just well created an East African phenomenon.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Yoga, the Middle East and, Queen Rania

I haven't been blogging in a LONG time... but I'm back now!
so a lot has been going on... time to list;
1) school
2) stress
3) yoga
4) intense musical indulgences
5) [7] awesome paintings i've made are drying as we speak
6) opinion: 'Kite Runner' is a beautiful movie as is 'Marie Antoinette' (with Kristen Dunst)
So these aren't really happenings... more like what's on my mind.

Before I forget- I want to know, what are your takes on the Israel/Palestine conflict? I happen to find it as a very interesting topic of discussion... don't take sides, just state what you think (if you have anything to say). I myself am from many countries including both Israel AND Palestine (how ironic) and I love what everyone has to say about the conflict. 

Speaking of... has anyone seen Queen Rania's youtube videos? They are so insightful! She is such an inspiration and earlier today i actually said, "I want to be just like her when i grow up". Can you believe that? I'm practically finished growing up and I say things like that. wow. Anyways, who wouldn't say that? Queen Rania highlights some major stereotypes in the Middle East and points out issues that impact our world. 

Comment if you have anything to say... 
*nothing negative- keep it positive*

Aurevoir mon cherie